Breast Augmentation is a procedure performed to enhance or restore the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. Breasts may be smalldue to a lack of development or changes following
pregnancy or weight loss. A breast augmentation improves your physical appearance and several psychological studies now confirm that a breast augmentation may enhance your
self-esteem and quality of life if done for the correct reasons.
It is important to realize that the type of incision (for example, around the nipple or under the breast), pocket location (under the muscle, above the muscle or “dual plane”) and choice of
implant (round or anatomical) depends on several factors that include not only yourpreference, but also and more importantly physical findings during the examination with Dr.Mark.
These physical findings play an even more important role when determining the size of the implant. Dr.Mark prefers to use silicone implants as they tend to feel more natural, have less
rippling (visible deformities) and may be less prone to mechanical failure. The choice of the final implant size and characteristics are unique for each and every patient. This minimizes
complications and improves patient satisfaction.