Breast Augmentation
My Dearest Patient,
A breast augmentation is a procedure by which your breast size and shape is enhanced. Media exposure has lead us to desire breasts just a little bit …and sometimes a lot more, perfect than what we have. In today’s time you may have almost whatever your heart desire. It is possible to have those drop-dead gorgeous breasts in time for that special event!
There are many ways to increase the size of your breasts. A small increase may be achieved via fat fills obtained from liposuction. Fat fills allow for a small increase of about a cup size. Should you want a bigger augmentation with fat fills you would need multiple procedures. Fat fills are very unpredictable. Roughly about forty present of the transplanted fat will be reabsorbed, the same volume may not be reabsorbed in each breast leading to an unequal size. The transplanted fat may also form hard lumps called fat necrosis which improves over time but may never completely disappear. Transplanted fat and the survival there of, is a dynamic process therefore the breast size will change dramatically with a gain or loss of overall body fat.
The most reliable and predictable way of increasing the breast size is by means of silicone breast implants (please read the section on silicone implants). A silicone implant will increase the size and improve the shape. An implant will allow for a dramatic change in your breast size and appearance.
There are many indications for having a breast augmentation and varies from patient to patient. Patients may be flat chested having a masculine appearance and desire a more feminine appearance which may be achieved by implants. After pregnancy and breastfeeding you often see the hollowed out appearance of the upper pole of the breast called parenchymal maldistribution which is easily corrected via breast implants. Unequal breast, small breasts and sagging or drooping breasts are other findings easily corrected via silicone implants.
You may ask why I use silicone implants. South African plastic surgeons are fortunate enough to have one of the longest experiences and exposure to silicone implants. In 1992 the American FDA banned the use of silicone prosthesis but not so in South Africa. After many years of testing the ban was lifted to the rest of the world and silicone implants were proven to be safe. I do not use saline implants as saline implants have a chance of spontaneous deflations as we have heard in the media.
It is important to be realistic about your expectations as well procedure. The aim is not to have an operation in your twenties, thirties, forties and fifties. Every time you have a procedure on your breasts the tissues becomes thinner and thinner and you may have more and more complications. A realistic aim would be to have one procedure below the age of 35 and one procedure after the age of 35. You may need a few touch ups as needed but still these need to be realistic. It is important not to place too large a set of implants. Large implants in association with gravity will stretch the skin a breast tissue leading to premature sagging of your breasts.