I just feel that it may be important to be aware of the most complications associated with tuberous breast correction.
–The abnormality will not be corrected in one procedure
–You will require additional surgery. Either to improve the result, replace prosthesis or overcome the inevitable effects of gravity. However breast surgery is not like buying shoes. We do not want to operate on you in your teens, twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, seventies and beyond. Every time you have a procedure on your breasts the tissues become thinner and thinner and you risk of complications increases exponentially. Thus we should stage your procedures in a comprehensive safe manner.
-The breast will never be exactly the same. No women’s breast are exactly the same due to the dominance of the once side of the body and various other structural difference. None the less I aim to achieve as much symmetry as possible.
-You may develop hard lumps in your breast due to the development of fat necrosis. Fat necrosis is the way the breast tissue scars. These lump are easily disenable on an ultrasound and will decrease in size but will never disappear completely.
– Because the tuberous breast correction is a complicated procedure you are at an increased risk of bleeding shortly afterward i.e. in the first 24 hours after the surgery for which we may need to return to theatre.
– You are also at an increased risk for the development of a capsular contracture due to the complexity of the procedure. A capsular contracture is firstly managed by tablets followed by fat injection, replacement, multiple replacements and finally by removal if deemed necessary.
These are a few of the most common complications that I can think of. We will also provide you with information on each of the procedures.