
Dermatological evaluation and Surveillance

I would recommend a whole body surveillance approach in patients at risk of developing skin cancers.

Risk factors for the development of skin cancer: Chronic ultra-violet light exposure either from chronic sun tanning, history of sever sun burns in childhood or chronic sunbed exposure, fair skinned individuals, older age, men ,chronic chemical exposure (arsenic, industrial tar, paraffin, coal and certain type of oils)  , radiation exposure, personal history of skin cancer ,certain chronic skin conditions (old burn scars), Psoriasis treatments (PUVA) , Genetic disorders (Xeroderma Pigmentosa, Basal Cell Cancer Disease), Immunodeficiency states (transplant patients), genetic predisposition, HPV infections and smoking.

Patients identified as having risk factors should have yearly mole-mapping. Mole-mapping is a technique allowing photographic evaluation of pigmented skin lesions. It allows us to identify high risk lesions at an early stage or detect early changes in pre-existing skin lesions.

The role of vitamin A ointment 0.005 % Retinoic Acid as a leader in anti-aging treatments are well established. Vitamin A should be introduce to your skin on a gradual basis. If the skin becomes very sensitive I would recommend stopping for a few days before starting again. The ideal protocol is as follow: twice a week for two weeks, 3 times a week for 2 weeks, and every second day until you are able to tolerate daily application.

Dermatologica has an excellent ant-aging cream called Super Rich Repair, Hydromist for airline flights and nightly repair serum.

All in all if you follow a good facial rejuvenation protocol the only addition skin products I would recommend are the ones mentioned above.

Once you follow regular dermatological evaluation and surveillance you may identify a high risk lesion. At risk lesions are identified by size > 5mm, irregular borders, change in colour –fried egg appearance, increase in size, non-healing skin lesion, bleeding or itchiness in sun exposed areas. Especially take note of darker lesions on the nails, hair, hand and soles of the feet and genital area. These are rare often forgotten areas for high risk pigmented lesions needing regular evaluation.

Lesions should be excised when they are small before the cause anatomical distortion and require a large and difficult reconstruction which oftentimes are rather unsightly.

Small skin lesions, skin tags, solar keratosis and sebaceous cysts are easily managed at the rooms either with surgical excision or liquid nitrogen.

I work with an Aesthetic Medical Practioner. She uses medically tested intravenous infusions which is administrated on a regular basis. This treatment is particularly popular amongst darker skinned individuals bringing us closer to the fairer complexions so greatly displayed in the media.


The amount of time and money we spend on shaving, shaving creams and blades are astronomical. Imagine never having to shave again, never having to worry about bikini lines and never having to feel the embarrassment of unwanted hair.

The secret lies in knowing which laser machine is most suitable for you. So often we attend aesthetic clinics for months and years not seeing any results.

I advise you on the best suited laser machine and protocol. Although a painful and expensive endeavour I would certainly recommend laser hair removal.



    Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments or messages. We’ll try to respond to everything.

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